John & Melanie

What our family is doing these days.

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Location: Redding, CA, United States

Monday, February 07, 2005

It's Been Awhile

A lot has happened since my last entry. Let me catch you up to speed.

October: John was loaned out to Rancho Cordova and ended up staying only a week. The boys and I went down to stay with hime for a few days. While we were down there we had Halloween. We celebrated by going to Galt and going trick or treating with John's co-worker Adam and his family, neighbors etc.... Adam was loaned to Rancho Cordova at the same time as John.

November: Well in November there is of course Thanksgiving. My parents, Brothers and Sister all came for the holiday. They stayed for a couple of days, but had to leave before the snow. On the Saturday after Thanksgiving it snowed a significant snow. I really enjoyed it because we stayed inside and played with the kids and RELAXED... I got to knit in my warm house (which is one of the things I was looking forward to when winter came.

December: Everyone knows that Christmas is in December. John and I spent it with the kids which was really nice. It was the four of us and we were having winter weather. Well winter weather means that John needed to get chains. But he had to wait until monday to get chains. Which means he had to take Monday off. Well John decides that he wanted to go and get us a puppy. So we went through the Nickle (Penny-Saver) And the Redding news paper, and we found Spot. She is an Australian Shepherd . She was 6 weeks old the day after Christmas. She is VERY cute. We all lover her to death. We also had a quiet New Years at home.

January: Well the month of January was VERY long. John left for work on Jan. 2nd . He came home on Jan. 28th. He was loaned down to San Gabriel for 2 1/2 weeks working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. My sister and I drove down there on a Thursday night. We got there Friday morning. We had a three hour delay getting over the Grapevine. There was a land slide and they only had one of four lanes open. We got back home Wednesday morning. It was a very long trip and I won't do it again any time soon. The next time we go down there we are definatly going to fly. ( we were in San Gabriel for John's birthday) Let me tell you after being up for 36 hours+ straight I know how to turn a 30 minute drive into a 3 hour tour........... Oh yeah we also had a lot of snow but it started right after John left and yes I DID shovel my side of the driveway...

Ok now we are all caught up. After Jojhn got home from down south he took the WHOLE week off. So today was his first day back to work. We loved having him home. I went to the casino with Heather Tina Sabrina and Grandma on Friday and it was really fun... Just leave it to me to call a false BINGO... yes I called a false BINGO... I can't wait to go again...


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