John & Melanie

What our family is doing these days.

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Location: Redding, CA, United States

Saturday, February 21, 2009

School etc...

Things are going well here. School is going good. I am keeping my fingers crossed that husbands work doesn't go on strike. Until we get the official word one way or another I am going to be holding my breath! The rain has finally stopped here... for now that is. We are supposed to have a break for a couple of days before a supposedly huge storm comes in just in time for this weekend! Thankfully we don't have any plans for anything outside. I am hoping to get some more wood also. It's at my neighbors house I just have to get over there to load it up and then bring it home and unload and stack it. It will be much easier to do now that the rain has temporarily stopped. So I should be prepared with wood for the indoor weekend.

Another thing I have been involved in is through ravelry. I belong to agroup called The Great Hat Race. The ladies knit the hats and then send them off (to me this time) and are eliminated if they do not get theirs postmarked by the deadline. So the ladies are sending me these beautiful hand knit hats that I am going to donate to The Mission and an Oncology Department. When I go to the mail box and reveive these packages it is tonnes of fun even though I don't get to keep them.